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HOME >> How To Write a Better Fundraising Letter



How To Write a Better Fundraising Letter
By Kimberly Reynolds



Fundraising Letter Writing Tips

Looking for tips on writing a better fundraising letter? Use these quick tips to craft your next donation request letter. Feel free to modify the sample letter below to fit your specific needs.

Good news - Always start the letter with a series of good news bullets to build momentum and make entire letter entertaining and informative.

- Use foreshadowing to tease your reader and keep him or her reading.
- Create a "widow" at the end of the first page (a thought that's finished on page two)
- Make your reader turn the page.

Describe what you want to do next
- Tell what you're going to do.
- Why you're going to do it.
- How you're going to do it.
- What results you expect.

List suggested contribution amounts
- Use even numbers in graduated amounts
- Offer a monthly auto charge credit card option ($10 a month is $120 a year)
- Include a blank line for write-in amounts

Remind readers that their contribution is your budget
- Your successes have been possible because of their past contributions
- Thank them!

Use P.S.'s for skimmers
- May titillate skimmers and get them to read the entire letter.
- To create a sense of urgency.

Sample Donation Request Letter


Dear Name of sponsor,

On date of event, I will join hundreds of others to help end the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis by riding/walking/skating in the MS event name. By making a pledge on my behalf, you are supporting research and local services to those affected with this unpredictable disease.

Give details - Tell your story: I have a personal stake in this particular event. My dadhas MS. Not only do I want to help him, but also the many others diagnosed with MS. MS is a disease that affects the central nervous system. Some symptoms of MS may include loss of balance, impaired vision and hearing, fatigue, muscle weakness and, in some, paralysis. Even simple everyday living skills become increasingly difficult. Everyone is affected differently by these symptoms.

My goal is to raise at least specify dollar amount this year, which represents $1 for every person with MS registered with our local MS Chapter.  Please help me reach that goal with your pledge. Your donation is tax deductible. If you wish, you may mail all or part of your payment amount today in the self-addressed stamped envelope enclosed with this letter.

Otherwise, I will collect your pledge after the event. Please make your check payable to the National MS Society. My deadline to get my pledges in is deadline date. Following the event, I will send out a brief recap of the MS event name to all my sponsors.

Thank you in advance for your support. Please call me if you have any questions or comments about the MS event name. I can be reached at phone number.


Your name

About The Author

Kimberly Reynolds writes about fundraising and advice on writing donation request letters on her website Sign us for her free monthly newsletter at

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