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HOME >> How to Write Articles for Profit



How to Write Articles for Profit
By Daegan Smith



Writing articles for online profit is something of a trend these days. It is good that people are realizing the importance of literature, not only on the internet but also in business.

Maybe you havenít heard of it yet, but writing articles for online web sites is one of the best and cheapest ways to pull traffic into your web site.

By submitting articles that you write to various article banks in the net, there is the possibility that these articles are published in different sites, publicizing you as well as your site in those sites as well.

For you to fully understand this, you first need to know what article banks are. Article banks are article storage sites that allow other people to freely use the articles you write on their website.

The beneficial part of this free redistribution, is you get to advertise, or plug in your web address, either in the body of the article itself or at the about author part of the article.

There are several free and paid article banks out there on the net. If youíre aiming for super frugal, then it is suggested that you get on those free article banks. However, if you want your articles taken care of and constantly circulated in the net, you may want to access the pay sites.

There are three ways in which your article can promote your website for you. And remember, more traffic gives you more chances of a business transaction through your web site.

1. You hang on to the popularity of other web sites

When people browse through a popular web site, they usually stay longer. Just imagine if your article was published in a popular website. Itís more likely that your article will be read, and your little advertisement back at the about the author part of the article gets exposed.

2. You jump onto the article bank bandwagon

As mentioned earlier, putting your articles on article banks gives you the opportunity to sow the seeds of exposure for your web site. And exposure transfers to traffic, traffic transfers to profits.

3. Search engine traffic

When your article is on a website, search engine spiders will crawl all over them, Them ore exposed your article is in the website that it is published in, the easier it will be for search engines to find it. Plus if the site that your article is published in is credible enough and search engine optimized, then your article will more likely be exposed.

Now that you know how you can earn a lot with article writing, maybe now you can finally proceed to writing your very own article.

So how should you go about writing your article?

First thing you should remember is that what youíre writing is internet content. Internet people are not as patient as newspaper people.

It doesnít have to be a full scientific dissertation, nor something for a novel. Internet articles should be direct to the point and as newswriters say, remember to KISS. Keep It Short Stupid! Well a less insulting acronym to that would be Keep It Short and Simple.

Each paragraph of an internet article should consists of only 2-3 sentences, four at most.

Do not use long winding sentences that do not say anything, because once your reader hits a little snag, then chances are heíll give up on reading it all together. And you donít want that, you want him to read it to the end, to the part where he sees your website.

Donít make your article sound like something out of a salesmanís mouth. People are apprehensive about sales people and you donít want them to think that of you. Of course your main aim is to sell, but that is the job of your website. All you want with an article is to expose your web site.

Finally, the most important part of your article, would be that tiny little advertisement that you enter at the about the author part of the article. Put a little slogan, a few words in length. Make it catchy something that would embed itself in the readers mind, so that in his blank hours, all he would be able to think about would be your catch phrase.

Now that you know how, you know why and you know where, you can write your articles and benefit from the profits.

About the author:

Daegan Smith the owner of Net MLM Articles and the leader of the fastest growing team of successful home business enterpernuers on the net. Find out how we're creating financial freedom all across the globe and how to get in on the action FREE =>

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