Copyright 2009-2015 Karin Vibe Rheymer Stewart
A question I often get from clients or people who call me is how
to organize one of their partners, co-workers or subordinates
who, they say, is "really messy."
The first question I ask is this: Is that person truly
disorganized, or is it your perception? In other words, does
this person always (or almost always) meet his/her deadlines? Is
s/he almost always on time? Can s/he find a document almost
immediately when requested?
If you answer yes to those questions, this person IS organized,
whatever the appearances. Telling him or her that s/he needs to
get organized with be met with a blank stare at best, anger at
worst. The only such case where it is legitimate to raise a
question is, if others need access to his/her documents and
calendar, and that no one understands their system except for
them. An approach that I have used to great success is to say:
"I admire how organized you are, however I don't understand your
system at all, and sometimes I need to access documents or your
calendar when you are absent. Could we find a solution so that I
can find what I need if you're not here?" This will usually
result in a brainstorming session and a solution that works for
Now, if the person is truly disorganized, the second question I
ask is, Has this person said that this is a problem and that
they want to change it? If the person doesn't recognize the
problem, or recognizes it but isn't ready and willing to make a
change, in the best of cases you will see cosmetic and temporary
improvements; in the worst of cases, active or passive
resistance. The person has to be willing and ready for it to
If they are, and accept your help, remember that what works for
you may not work for them. For instance, if you are a highly
analytical person, a clear desk, an organizer and files in
drawers may work very well, but, if the other person is highly
visual and creative, your system will miserably failed when
applied to them. There are many resources to help you understand
a different organizing and time management style, such as
Organizing from the Inside Out, by Julie Morgenstern, Organizing
from the Right Side of the Brain, by Lee Silber, Organizing for
the Creative Person, by Lehmkuhl and Lamping, for instance.
In any case, make sure that the person actually does meet the
criteria for a disorganized person, and that they are willing to
make the changes. And, please, please, don't waste your time
calling an organizer to organize this person if they are not
ready. I can't tell you how many such calls I have received...
Either you will talk to a good organizer, who will insist on
talking directly to the person and will make sure that the
person is willing and ready before accepting the job, or you
will waste your money.
About the author:
Karin Vibe-Rheymer-Stewart, Ph.D., helps busy women reclaim time
and achieve work/life balance through whole-life time
management, in other words everything that affects your use of
time. For free resources and to contact her, go to .