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HOME >> How To Teach Children Honesty



How To Teach Children Honesty
By Alvin Poh Hee Kwang



In order for people to have faith and trust in us, we need to be honest with our words and action. More important, we must uphold a high level of integrity even when others are not looking. Honesty is a value that parents must teach their children.

Teaching children honesty can be a real challenge, especially when there are so many dishonesty in every day life. Children learn best from the action of their parents rather than the words they say. Hence it is important that we as parents be honest people and set a good examples for our kids.

Other than being an example, here are some other methods that you can use to teach your children about honesty. They apply to children of all ages.

Be Completely Honest With Your Children

This demonstrate to them how honesty are applied and you are committed to what you are teaching them. Whenever your children ask you questions, answer them truthfully and candidly unless it is something off-limit, then tell them honestly why you won't answer it.

I often see adult tell convenient lies on the phone or tell their kids to do it on their behalf. An example is "Tell him that mommy is not at home". Don't let your kids hear you tell such lies, otherwise they will pick up this habit.

Give Praise and the Chance to Start Over

Unless it is something very serious, if you caught your children in any minor dishonest act, always give them a second chance to be truthful. Don't be anxious to catch your kids in a lies. Instead catch them for being truthful and praise them immediately for it. If you find them tell lies or about to tell one, interrupt and say "Wait a minute. Remember that it is important to be honest." Then let me start over.

Point Out Consequences

Everything in this world are governed by the Law of Cause and Effect. Show your children the dynamics of cause-and-effect of honesty and dishonesty in every life. For example, look out for situation on newspapers, TV and real life where a dishonest act is performed. Then highlight to them the consequences to both the victim of the act (i.e. the person who was being cheated or hurt) and the doer of the act.

Also watch out for demonstration of honesty act and point out the positive consequences, especially the trust, faith, confidence and self-respect that the honest person has gained.
About the Author

Article by Alvin Poh, founder of Learning Champ, a parenting wesbite that provides information and resources to parents, who want to help their children develop the important skills and mind set for a brighter future ->

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