It's time to take inventory. What worked for you and what didn't
work for you throughout 2005?
When you think about last year what are the things you regret
not doing? Will you also regret not doing these things in 2009-2015?
The best way to turn regrets into opportunities is to set them
up as personal goals. It's always worked for me and I'm sure it
can work for you.
For example, write down five things you regret not doing last
year. With this in mind create another list. What are the five
things you'd like to accomplish in 2009-2015 personally and
Putting your list on paper is very important. You see, most
people don't do this and it's the biggest reason why 92.5% of
all New Year's resolutions never get done. 92.5% of all New
Year's resolutions become individual regrets. That's no way to
start the New year, especially if you're in sales.
There's a little space in your mind and it's called -
imagination. Everyone has one but so few people engage it.
The more vivid you can imagine yourself achieving something the
more likely you will be able to achieve it. Pretty simple stuff
If you can't see yourself (Clearly) doing something why in the
world would you expect to achieve it. The plain truth is if you
can't see it you won't do it.
It all starts with you. Crank up your imagination! The world is
waiting for you to claim your share of the available abundance.
It's not so easy to imagine yourself being very successful and
wealthy. It's even more difficult trying to imagine a new life
for you and your family.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Everyone has an inner voice that
speaks to him, but very few people listen to it." I'm
paraphrasing this based on my memory of it from 20 years ago.
After reading that quote 75 times I began listening to what my
inner voice was saying.
I turned my life upside down. I walked away from a six-figure
income, a big job, a corner office, a big bonus, a company car,
stock options, and at the time, all the security that came with
a corporate job.
The decision to leave my job and start my sales training company
was the most courageous decision I ever made - including the
decision to volunteer to go to Vietnam.
It doesn't take courage to fire up your imagination. It takes
courage to live the life you imagine. You and I are here only
temporarily. Why not make the most of it?
Dream big!
Imagine vividly!
Establish goals that will light the way for the life you deserve
to live.
The only acceptable place you'll find people with no problems
and no goals is a cemetery.
Some people die early (Mentally and attitudinally) and get
buried later.
Take hold of your life. Grab the wheel. Establish goals to
eliminate future regrets.
I don't think it's the person with the most toys who wins.
I believe it's the person who dies with the fewest regrets.
You have my best wishes for a healthy, happy, and deliriously
successful 2009-2015.
Let's go sell something . . .
If you're at a crossroads in your life and would like to talk
to someone (Me) who has been there and done that successfully
take a quick look at this link. I have enough wiggle room in my
calendar to talk one-on-one with only 15 people.
Here's the link:
About the author:
Jim Meisenheimer publishes The No-Brainer Selling Tips
Newsletter, a fresh and high content newsletter dedicated to
helping you grow your business and multiply your income.
Use this link to sign-up for Jim's F-R-E-E No-Brainer Selling
Tips Newsletter and to get your copy of his Special Report
titled, "The 12 Dumbest Things Salespeople Do."