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Advertising executive Alex F. Osborne first coined the word “brainstorming” in the early 1940’s. Since then literally millions of ideas, products and services have been created. Every institution from Fortune 500 companies to Universities and Government agencies, have used the principle of brainstorming. Fact: For every product in your home or office, chances are a person or group of people brainstormed about it. They brainstormed on how best to create, market, sell, manufacture, advertise, or distribute it. This is how powerful brainstorming is. One of the best things about brainstorming is that it can be used by anyone. You don’t have to be a C.E.O or army general. You can gain from brainstorming if you’re a housewife, janitor, student or unemployed. Yes, you can use the principles of brainstorming for the largest project or the smallest project. You can use it to plan a million-dollar ad campaign, or use it to plan what you’ll have for dinner tonight. Practice the following steps. You'll soon be amazed at the ideas and solutions your fabulous brain will give you. 7 Steps For Effective Brainstorming Sessions 1. The brainstorming session can be done with one person or one hundred people. The rules are the same. The only requirement is the participants should know about the problem, business, product or subject of the brainstorming session. 2. Don’t use critical thinking. Critical or judgmental thinking slows down or kills the creative process at this stage. Because as hard as you may try, you can only think one thought at a time. When your creating you can’t judge and when you judge you can’t create. 3. Keep the session light, loose and free spirited. Humor has been known to help oil the wheels of our creativity. A large portion of our creativity is released through our humor. 4. Make sure you have a pencil and paper to write down any and all ideas, or if you’re in a group, designate someone to write down the ideas. 5. It’s best to set a minimum length of time or amount of ideas you want to get out of each brainstorming session. Setting a goal helps everyone to focus; it also helps everyone avoid wandering minds. 6. Write down the problem, the goal, or the subject at the top of a piece of paper. For example, “Ways To Attract More Customers”. Next number each idea you or the group comes up with. Write down every idea, the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Remember, the goal is to get as many ideas listed on paper as possible. 7. Next evaluate the most do-able ideas and take action. That’s the 7 tips for effective brainstorming sessions. Follow them and watch the ideas flow.
Roy Primm (The Niche Man) has written hundreds of articles on the power of a small niche. Learn more of his niche creation secrets that build wealth. To read his free report go to www.NicheBrain.com |