Want to use your wireless phone wisely? Here are some simple tips that can help you make better use of your cell phone.
Choose a wireless phone and service plan that best meet your day-to-day needs
In choosing your perfect phone and plan, you need to realize that your cost will include: monthly service plan, activation fee, cancellation fee, long distance, roaming and cell phone. This will help you to select the best service plan (local, regional or national ) that best meet your need within your budget.
Figure out how you will use a cell phone, where and when you will make most of your calls, and how much you want to spend. Choose the wireless phone you want and /or need.
Do you need all the latest options or do you just need to make calls in an emergency? Look for special promotions-Are there any great deals out there that will get you the best deal for the right phone and plan?
If you are a frequent traveler, there are plans available that offer free roaming and long distance. These regional and national plans tend to cost more, but may still save you from paying exorbitant per-minute charges.
And if you are comfortable with a 2-or 3-year contract, you can often get a discounted rate or other incentives from your wireless providers.
Read the user manual After you sign up a service plan and receive the phone of your choice, you should take the time and effort in learning and becoming familiar with your wireless phone. This will enable you to take advantage of all useful phone features like automatic redial, calculator, keypad lock, phone book, vibrate mode, voice-activated functions, etc. Plus certain phone models offer some special features. For example, Qualcom Phone Model 3035 offers an smart button feature that allows user to customize their popular used feature. Most users are not aware of availability of this function or know how to set it up unless they read the manual.
Get cool tips and discounts from wireless phone manufacturers. Often, manufacturers provide cool tips on how to use their wireless phones. Kyocera Wireless , the manufacturer for Qualcom phones, provides tips on its site and accessories on discount.
Accessorize your wireless phone Go buy a hand-free does wonder, one of the most wireless accessories you should own. It frees your hands to do other things while you talk to your party on the cell phone. It is safer when you drive and talk on the wireless phone. In many states, you are required to do so, too.
Get a spare battery Nothing can get irritated than running out of battery when you are in the middle of conversation with your important customer. So go buy a spare battery, it is a good investment.
Practice good wireless etiquette Since wireless conversation tend to be a private matter, you need to refrain from placing or receiving calls in public places such as libraries, schools, restaurants, theaters and churches. Also , adjust your ring volume at a reasonable level so that only you can hear it. Remember to set your phone in vibrate mode when you are in a meeting so no one get distracted when an unexpected phone comes in.
Richard Hsu is the marketing manager of CEOmobile.com, a leading online service provider for wide selection of celluar service plans and mobile accessories.